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How to Set Running Goals

Tips for Meaningful Goal Setting in the New Year

The start of a new year typically brings with it the expectation that this year will be even better than the last. This is the year you will finally break that bad habit, do that one thing, and learn all that new stuff. With the new year, you will be healthier, happier and more prepared to tackle anything that comes your way.

Ambitions that come with the new year can be useful, but in order to turn vague resolutions into meaningful goals, you'll want to take a moment to think through them a bit more. If your goals involve running faster, running farther, or simply making running a more consistent part of your week, you'll want to take a few extra steps to make sure that these intentions are achievable. The following tips can help new runners set meaningful and effective personal running goals. We hope these will help firmly plant running as an important part of your life for years to come.

The Best Goals

The Best Goals are Personal

Your goals should have real meaning and be special to you. Embarking on a running program with another’s goals will not boost your motivation. Take some time to think through the "Whys" of your goal. An effective way to do this (though admittedly a bit annoying) is called the Five Whys.

Start by asking yourself, "What is it that I want?"

To that response, ask, "Why?" and to the answer to that, again ask yourself, "Why?"

Repeat this process, asking yourself "Why?" a total of five times. It will make you feel a bit like a curious toddler, but it can really help focus your objective and make it very personal to you.

The Best Goals are Specific

The more specific the goal, the better. Goals that are very generic are not as motivating and can be more challenging to plan for. Try moving your goals from good to great by adding specificity.

Good: "I want to be able to run without walking."

Better: "I want to run a 5k non-stop.”

Great: "I want to run the Easter Day 5k without walking on April 21."

The Best Goals Have a Time Frame

Setting goals within too short a time frame makes them feel unreachable. On the other end of the spectrum, goals set too far in the future make it easy to skip scheduled running days since there is no sense of urgency.

The best goals are typically those that you set out to achieve in three to six months. This time frame tends to work well because you have enough time to realistically reach the goal, but you will need to work consistently in order to do so.

The Best Goals are Challenging but Realistic

Set goals that are realistic, but will take work and planning to achieve. Goals that are too easy will not motivate you, and goals that are overly ambitious could lead you to feel discouraged. Aim for that Goldilocks goal that is neither too easy nor too hard, but just right.

Goal Achievement Strategies

Write It Down

Write down your goal and keep it visible. Notes left around the house or office are good visual reminders. This can be a very effective motivational tool.

Share Your Goal

Tell someone important to you what your goal is. Having someone take an interest in you and how you’re progressing helps to offer support when the going gets tough. This person can check in with you, offer encouragement and share in your eventual success.

Set Yourself Up For Success

Reaching a goal does not happen by chance; you have to make it happen. Adapt your lifestyle to give yourself greater odds of success. Make your goal a priority. If your day is packed from start to finish, consider running earlier to allow yourself time to run without distraction. Some run at lunch. Exactly when you run isn’t important, it’s scheduling a consistent running schedule that is.

Make a Plan

Again, reaching your goal won't happen by chance. Many people set themselves up for failure before they even start by neglecting to make a plan. You'll need to evaluate where you currently are and where you want to be and establish checkpoints and milestones along the way. This can be hard to do on your own, so finding a coach or mentor to aid in developing a plan can be a huge help.

Find Strength in Numbers

One of the best ways for new runners to achieve their goals is to realise that there is strength in numbers. Find a friend or group with similar goals and schedule runs with them. The group will hold you accountable and make running much more enjoyable.

Get Ready to Be an Even Better You!

Setting goals can be exciting because you get to imagine all that is possible for you to achieve! For those new to running, know that while not every run you do will feel fun, it will be incredibly satisfying. Trust us, after you finish, you are ALWAYS happy you went for your run. Be sure to check out our Tips for New Runners for more inspiration on how to make the most of this new year!

Written by Joe

Joe is the owner of Running Warehouse. A former DII Track & Field All-American for Cal Poly SLO and 2 time Olympic Marathon Trials Qualifier, Joe is now the current Head Coach of the HOKA ONE ONE Aggies running club.

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