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How to Make Running a Habit

3 Tips to Help You Start a Running Routine

If you've decided to make running a regular part of your life, congratulations! Not only is running a great way to stay fit and healthy, but we find that it makes us a pretty happy bunch of people. Some may call it the "runner's high," but life just seems a bit more vibrant and exciting when running is a part of it.

While we're sure you will grow to love running just as much as we do, taking those first few steps can definitely be daunting. And keeping up any new routine can be a challenge. The good news is, making running a regular habit can be easier than you might think — just keep these few tips in mind

Tip 1: Take It Slow

Building any new habit takes time, and running is no exception. One of the most common mistakes that new runners make is trying to do too much too quickly, and this is understandable given the excitement that usually comes with creating fitness-related goals. Don't fall into the trap of overwhelming yourself; build a sustainable running routine by starting off doing a little bit less than you think you should. Build your mileage slowly over time, and don't worry too much about speed when you're first starting.

Advice from Our Experts

"When I started, I wish I had known just how long it would take to build up significant amounts of endurance. Be patient with your training, and know that the hard work will eventually pay off." - Patrick, Customer Service Specialist

"If your goal is to lose weight, get 'in shape,' or simply to improve your general fitness level, then those things take time. Don't get frustrated if you're not seeing immediate results. Everyone's body is different, and you would be doing yourself a disservice to compare your progress with others." - David, Accessories Editor

"Less is more. It's better to run less and have success than run more and get hurt or suffer." - Jonathan, Footwear Buyer

Tip 2: Make It Consistent

Building a fulfilling running habit takes consistency. Hoping to squeeze in a run here and there is a recipe for falling off the bandwagon as other life priorities inevitably arise. To build any successful habit, you need to anchor the activity in existing routines. In other words, pick a time and stick with it. Maybe you will run first thing in the morning and get home just as others are waking up. Maybe you'll change into your running clothes at work and run at the end of your shift before you head home. The truth is that it doesn't really matter when you run, as long as you find a time that works for you and can make it happen day after day.

Advice from Our Experts

"When I first started, I wish I had known that consistency is key and it doesn't matter how fast or slow you run. I used to run once or twice a week, and every run felt super hard! Once I started running 5 or 6 days per week, but made the runs slower and shorter in length, then running became easier, and I started seeing a lot of improvement." - Allie, Customer Service Specialist

"Running isn't always fun or enjoyable, but there is always a sense of accomplishment when you finish. You feel good about yourself, and your self-confidence is enhanced." - Joe, owner/CEO

Tip 3: Keep It Fun

If something feels like a total drag, odds are it won't become a sustainable habit. Finding small ways to bring enjoyment to every run is key to building a routine that you'll love. Joining a running group, working toward a goal, running on the trails, or rewarding yourself in some small way are strategies that many runners use to bring a bit more fun to the everyday running.

Advice from Our Experts

"Whether it's a group of friends, coworkers, or a team, finding likeminded individuals to support your running journey is key. I joined a local running group when I first started running, and the little tips I learned from the coach were priceless." - Jasmine, Customer Service Manager

"Signing up for an event gives you a goal to work toward. This will help motivate you to continue running, even when you don't feel like it or when it gets tough." - David, Accessories Editor

"Wireless headphones with your favorite podcast or playlist will get you through a ton of miles!" - Kelsey, Customer Service Specialist

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