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How to Make Running Fun

Five simple ways to get you feeling excited about your next run
Published: October, 2022

Fun Run

Whether you are a lifelong runner or a novice, we have all experienced a time or a season when we've lost that loving feeling, and the diminishing joy and motivation to go out for a run creeps in. Here are five simple tricks to help you out of that rut and reignite that flame to lace up your running shoes and get back out there. And, most importantly, have fun doing so!

1. Change of Scenery

Fun Run

The same monotonous routine can become boring and tiresome. It's hard to stay motivated running past the same old scenery: same turns, same hills, same sights and sounds, day after day. Going on repetitive paths can make your workout feel like a chore—clock in, clock out, and you're done. Add variety to your routine and experience a renewed sense of joy by changing your scenery. If you are a road runner, discover a new neighborhood, visit a different park, or venture off the beaten path and hit the trail for some outdoor excitement. Enjoy the peace and quiet of nature, where your senses become heightened and more in tune with your surroundings. Listen to the sound of birds chirping in the air or even spot a deer or other wildlife as you whizz by. Nothing gets you out of that humdrum feeling better than stepping out of your comfort zone and entering a new setting. If you are a trail runner, take a day trip and explore new terrain or hop on the road. Traversing unexpected new routes not only lifts your mood, but the unknown factor also provides a sense of wonder and excitement while leaving your spirit feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Even just changing the time of day when you run can make a difference. If you typically run in late afternoons or evenings, lace up in the early morning and watch the golden sunrise on a quiet Saturday morning. Conversely, if you are a morning runner, go later in the afternoon and catch the beautiful calming sunset as your workout (and the day) comes to an end. Bonus tip: take a break from looking down at your biometric gadgets and go on a free-spirited run.

2. Bring a Friend

Fun Run

Whoever came up with that old adage, "time flies when you're having fun," definitely had a friend in mind. When you have a running buddy beside you, the miles just go by quicker as you engage in laughter and conversation while you both break a sweat. Running with another person also allows you to have an accountability partner to keep you committed. Especially on those days when you don't feel like changing into your workout gear and lacing up your shoes, knowing that someone else is counting on your presence (and vice versa) makes you less likely to skip your run.

If your circle of friends or acquaintances doesn't include runners, join a runners' group in your local community where you can meet new people with shared interests and lifestyle goals. It's a great opportunity to connect with runners of various skill levels and paces to help each other push on through the last mile (and there's always the added safety in numbers over going solo). By becoming a part of the running community, you'll likely find yourself more consistent with your training, forming a reciprocal relationship with others for support, which will enhance your drive, determination, and overall performance.

3. Get Techy

Fun Run

For the runner that likes to be entertained, get techy by including some hands-free tools such as watches with music features or running headphones to help pass the time for a more enjoyable workout. Listening to the same songs over and over again ad nauseam can become too predictable and uninspiring. Whether it's curating a new upbeat playlist or listening to funny podcasts or interesting audiobooks, a change of pace can increase your energy. Studies have shown that listening to music enhances running performance. An uptempo song with rhythmic beats encourages you to pick up the pace and gives you that propulsive drive to run faster and keep going (extra points if you go carefree and start belting along). And by getting running-specific headphones that go over your ears, you can maintain situational awareness for safety while still enjoying your tunes on the go.

4. Set New Goals

Fun Run

Having a clear goal can be a motivating force, which can deter the procrastination and discouragement that get you in a running funk. It can be as simple as mixing up your training by lengthening your time, varying your distance, or improving your speed. Alternatively, you can focus your attention on something and someone else by dedicating a run to a person or cause that is meaningful to you by signing up for a charity race. There are also fun themed races (such as color, bubble, mud, foam, or even costume runs) where you can just enjoy the experience and the social camaraderie of the event rather than being preoccupied with your finish time. If you're feeling spontaneous and motivated, sign up on a whim for a 5K, which isn't going to require the grueling or time-consuming training that a full-on marathon would. Overall, having a set goal in mind provides you with a driven focus and purpose, leaving you with a great sense of accomplishment as you cross the finish line.

5. Switch Up Your Gear

Fun Run

There's just something exciting about adding new gear to your running wardrobe that can put a big, bright smile on your face, like a kid on Christmas morning unwrapping their new toys. Whether it's lacing up a fresh pair of running shoes or sliding a new shirt, switching things up gives you something to look forward to. Even splurging on a new pair of running socks or adding a sports bra to the rotation provides an emotional boost and a heightened sense of anticipation, inspiring you to make the most of your new gear and take it out on a run. Variety is the spice of life, so go bold with fun colours and prints to lift your mood and have fun!


Caroline is a lifelong, avid runner who enjoys the outdoors. Whether on the road or on the trail, running or hiking, being surrounded by the sights and sounds of nature is her ultimate happy place.